Friday, November 28, 2008


1.Today in our society some kind of imported religion and porter of imported thoughts are openly convincing us that to sacrifice our self soul or to surrender in front of them and instead it, they will fulfill a new soul on us. We are accepting their proposal with closed eye too and we are compete ting to knew down in front of them and have abandoned our self religion tradition and our self thoughts. What is the misfortune?
2. Any incarnation, any pasted person, any religious epic or any sastra, puran, bible uplift or give salvation us, it is only day-dream. Only we are the uplifter of ourselves. Our own deeds determine our access. Yes the present guru can guide us properly and we need his bless.
3. It is so distressing for nation that the youth force of nation is ahead to strike and other destructive deeds always. they must be know that their youth power would be spend on virtuous deeds which is supporting for good change of our society and nation’s economical, educational, traditional revolution. Why they don’t know that they are spending their important time and energy for such kind of useless misdeeds. 4. Today why the men are frightened from each other? Because, nowadays, nobody is faithful towards one’s own caste, towards human nature, human quality, not only towards humanity, he is not faithful also towards himself or his own soul.
5. We must be faithful towards the all relations which are connected with us, towards our own true nature, soul, towards our own human body where we placed. Towards the god from where we are operating. Towards the guru by whom we are guiding. Towards earth mother from where we are getting energy. Towards the nation in where we born, living and getting a native introduction and are getting many more services, facilities, authorities.
6. If our maximum time departed on to eating, drinking, wearing or only on worldly subject, what have been the difference between our human life and animal’s life?
7. by the unknown of fact meaning of formal relation and inter relation between each other, the relation itself is over crisis of disbelief. So to grown up belief over relation we must know its exact meaning.
8. Turbulence is emerged by fallen down from own duty. We sit for meditation to get the peace. If we don’t careless to fulfill our duty, responsibility, only after that we don’t miss by peace. If so meditation also gives us peace.
9. We have got such kind of a defect that is we have no time to know or see about ourselves. We have no time to right calculate or evaluate about our own duty-no duty, about our welfare- no welfare, about our prosperity-decline. We are busy only to know about next person and busy to open others looseness. It causes we are running away far from ourselves.
10. We are acting that, we use to go to meet saints, guru, great to learn something or to get knowledge. But our secrete purpose be either how to prove that we are a intellectual and complete by debating and make them stupid and their thoughts are foolness, or go there by bringing a mountain of decays or dirt. So the thoughts of saints can’t placement in our brain. It causes on both cases, we are compelled to back by getting dissatisfaction. But if we go to place of saints and greats with faith and sentiment, really to know, learn and gain something surely we will back by bringing more satisfaction, happiness and positive energy.

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