Monday, June 15, 2009

Friday, December 19, 2008

aghor innersight

Aghor inner sight
Awareness of supreme power and self existence.
Man is creation of god. First of all he tried to understand about creation and creature both. So, he himself is godlike. He tried to learn and understand, but he could experience only his inner power and outer power. Being inner inspiration, he decided to concentrate for meditation then he found himself everywhere. First time when he did it, he didn’t do it for exercise and even didn’t know what happens after doing meditation and concentration.
Creation of human being in the universe is the proof of highest status of nature and power. After the creation of human-being, they got all the co-ordination of bad and good of previous creatures.
Human-being had no duty, no religion and no activity. He had eager to know more, eagerness to get more and greed to go far places. He wanted to understand following things:
(a) Who created the universe and what is the use of it?
(b) How life has been started?
(c) Life and death, nobody is out of that, who is the controller?
(d) Who guides the nature rule?
(e) On the earth, how change often takes place?
(f) Why diminishing takes place often in the existing form?
(g) Why there is similarity in different creatures of creation?
(h) Do such types of questions arise in the heart of all creatures?
(i) What is the medium to get answer of all these questions?
He felt happiness thinking about these questions. And he felt to get answer of all these questions. He sat in a solitary place bowing his head. He didn’t know why and where he is bowing. His eyes were closed, he felt wonderful and his heart-beating increased. He felt, he is losing his consciousness. Even the forgot his existence. He found himself in zero state. He realized and experienced what he was? He could see very far than his sight. He could see Whole the universe and far more than the supreme spirit. He felt deep satisfaction. He had no any desire, even than, he can not explain about what he did and what he got.
What is god? No body can explain about it. Nobody knows it’s evolution till today. Nobody could measure its age, but everybody has feeling, god is there. You don’t know, so, you say, that is not such as that. There are so many things, which you can not recognize; they are with you, inside you, in front of you. It doesn’t mean that those things are not there, if you don’t know. There are so many such things for which my conception is different than you. You can not denie that you have breath inside you and you can do anything from that.
How are you? You say-I am happy. Then what is that happiness? What is the reason being of your happiness? When you are not happy then you are not unhappy also. Then what is the measurement of happiness?
What is your plan? You explain about your plan happily, when you have not prepared anything till now. You became unsuccessful because you formulate without plan. You didn’t loose anything from that even then you are unhappy.
You say: god is not there. Don’t worry, eat, drink and be happy.
I say: happy or to be happy is god.
You say: there is no god. Do love and have life.
I say: love is god.
You say: there is no easy existence in the name of god. There may be something else.
I say: keep the word ‘god’ far and experience something else. That is god.
You say: then I work for survive.
I say: work is worship.
You say: if I not in existence then also the god.
I say: you are god. Search that inside of you. Certainly he is not separate from you. Study about your construction, experience your work, study it, take care about your reality, keep quite and look.
They say: no, nothing is there.
If nothing is there, god is there, but god is not there. Nothing is there, these all comes in definition of god. But about god, everybody has own definition, nobody make others believable about his definition, but he is such committed himself about god that nobody could disturb him even an inch. In the name and words might be differences but not in character and feelings. So, that is spirit, power and that is everything which could be felt by everybody differently.
Is there anyway? Yes there is someway, by which man feels near of god. I want; first of all you understand the definition of person. If I tell you truly, until you see a person, you couldn’t recognize. For example, by the physical structure, he is a man but he can not explain about his physical condition. If you ask him about his behaviour, mental status and existence, I don’t think he has satisfied answer. He continues to explain. That explanation is not only to tell you but his satisfaction also. So either you wish to get some person or you try to be a real man. It is similar to meet a person or to be a man. Because, on both inner inspiration is needed. Unless you know how a man should be, till then you can not move forward either way. To meet a person or to be a man, you should be true for yourself. There are so many ways to be true own self. Those ways may be different person to person or religion to religion but effect remains same.
Question: I think you don’t believe the god and its existence.
Answer: yes.
Question: what is god? On which you don’t believe?
Answer: I don’t know. You tell me what is god.
Question: god is in between yes and no.
Answer: I couldn’t understand.
Question: nobody recognized him.
Answer: then what should I do?
Question: now you are telling true, one man can do it.
Answer: tell me, what should I do?
Listen me carefully. Stop debate because debate creates heat. Unless you have wish to understand it is hard to move forward even for one inch. Eagerness and inspiration automatically comes to a man. Sometime it comes without reason and sometime it is awakened by inspiration. Do man inspired without reason till today. Scientists don’t believe that man get inspiration without reason. So many times effect remains steadily but cause is unknown. If it is know but very late. I want to say how and at what time man can experience about that. If you have inner sight, you can see from heart. A doctor should know that how a child’s each parts of body grow with balanced. If doctor can’t reply it then nobody can. Then god knows its answer. It is foolishness of man if he accepts the existence of god only he doesn’t get answers of his questions from other sources.
For example take a boy or a girl. One father doesn’t know the future of his children. Even he doesn’t know that his would remain till tomorrow or not. He even does live till tomorrow or not. Everyday he has seen the death of man, woman, children but he in sure to have life. Then what type of belief of this? Who measured the limitation of life? Nobody takes responsibility in such things. Parents love children, what is this? Do they want something against of love? You could say what do they want but what do you say about birds and animals? The mother and father birds know that after having feathers their babies leave them. Even then they feed the babies. It is a love? This love, affection is god gifted, given by nature.
Trees and plants get same kind of nutrition from soil, water. But different types of forms, colors, leaves, branches and fruits produced. You may say because of the different types of the seeds. Now question arises who created the different types of seeds? You may say it is a process of development. Then who is responsible of this development process? In each seed one what layer is seen inside the seed but from white layer different color produced. Then how all these happen? You may say, it is happening since the beginning. You are right, but you neither know beginning nor ending. So, you want to know something from the mid of beginning and ending. Even though you don’t know what happens in front of you.
There is a man. He has parents, brothers, wife, children everybody. Then what is the reason which inspires the person to deal differently with different relation.
What your science? Who inspired the man to take brief knowledge by searching so many things and what is the reason of such inspiration? The changing world is wonderful. What is that delighters to whom a person gets in the world? Your wish and eagerness are the sources of your life. These are the basis of life. And these are life. You may ask what life is. You are not life. Life is power and that is god. You can still say, that is unknown for you. I do agree with this unknowing matter. Nobody could recognize that and express by the words. But there are so many ways to experience and understand that. Everybody can do it. That god is not registered in the name of a person or religion. I would like to express my feelings about the sacred words of the book “daibi jindagi” by aghoreshwar bhagwan ram. I have understood that there are three stages. They are:
1) Stage of spiritual feeling(sat)
2) Stage of awareness about self existence(raj)
3) Stage of develop the feeling to work as per own wish(tam)
One person’s life is co-ordination of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. When a man can not manage himself from these three types of (sat, rag, tam) behaviour then those three effects his life, then his patient comes in end, then he tries to understand from the beginning, from that he will be able to manage his life.
Joining his hands, he says “I can do nothing” I am nothing; my feelings are not helping me. Then these three feelings get quite, and then he reaches at the zero point. His whole spirits of the body are weakened as he is feeling shy to work. Then his spirit, that god power sits in front of him in a light thrown, and then he hears voices “do your duty, I am here”. I am very happy, what do you need? It seems that he has got boom to remain courageous and supreme. As you know that fear is the greatest sin of the world. He doesn’t need anything else because he knows his self is very happy with him. He immediately remembers his duty humanitarian service and asks the god to guide him to go for the service for those people who are tied by inhuman religion and social customs. Voice comes from supreme spirit “keep your feeling to the god, be concentrated there and listen carefully”. Now it is depend on your capacity of adoration. Certainly you will reach in zero state. And you will find whatever you are searching. If you could hear the voice then you are succeed. When you hear voice, you will reach in meditative stage and you feel that you are inside of your spirit. In spiritual life, nothing is left to get more than that. Character will be change, behaviour will be simple and dedicate, and nature will be helpful. Everybody starts to friendly behaviour. You will be true for the god.
I want to tell you something, sometime an unknown situation at the times of experiencing face to face with god. You may ask about mental balance of each moment to the person, doctors, academician, labor or anybody. There is one problem that nobody has subtle study about mental status. Each creature has such time comes in daily life. He reaches in zero state. Zero means that state of mind where no thought comes. That is very important. It is important for brain. It is life for the life. Man can survive with the empty stomach but can not survive without zero state. For how much time and which time this state happens, it depends on person to person. The time duration of zero state reflects very important facts of a person.
This experience and face to face is natural. To experience it, means to reach there. In other words, to be normal physically and mentally means is not the tension free situation and to be senseless means no tension free. When a person reaches in the zero state and there will be effect in respiration system, blood circulation and insight. Sometime, suddenly brain remains tension free. But it doesn’t deeply effect and beneficial for coming life. I want to give some example about suddenly tension free mental state. When the man is in the problem, he can not catch the way out. His all efforts would be in vain and he scares. In such condition sometimes he remains free from mental tension. His brain doesn’t work. Then there will be no ideas. Next example is, in a dangerous condition when a man scares, his eyes remains still. His respiration system stops and brain will be helpless. In such mental status also, for sometime brain remains tension free. Only difference is, after ending that situation, person feels tired.
Man can reach in the tension free state by exercise but he has to know about himself before exercise. Exercise is needed if the person is far from spiritual behaviour. If a person can use practically to the spiritual orders in any reverse situation then he can experience the spirit inside and outside. There is no need of any specialty to keep the brain separate from his activity. It doesn’t make any difference wherever you go, with any class of people or in any religion. There is no boundary to reach to the god, no difficulties, no rules are required and nobody should change his religion. By mere of god and by your spiritual efforts, if you could get one spiritual guru then your worldly life would be transfer into spiritual life. But it is important to understand as the cow of picture can not give us milk similarly just by reading scriptures you can not get god. Either you purchase cow or you meet the cow owner. So many people have got guru so you may get, keep continue your effort to get.
There are so many books available written about ways to reach in tension free state. But before starting exercise, first you should know about your capacity. All efforts, power and time will go in vain if you don’t find what exercise is needed for you. So, I want you find such spiritual person, who could carry you in the path of supreme spirit. If you could to store some words in your brain they would be great helpful.
For that devotion no need of flower, fire and diyo. Person’s mind should be undisturbed, free from any kind of tension. Earth, where people are residing, that is also power. Air, water and other whatever things in front of him these all are power. If somebody has such types of feelings, he can experience of god in short time. If I am true for him then I could see and recognize him. He is often in front of us but we can’t recognize him. To recognize him, no need of certain place, time and certain rules. In his sight, nobody is unqualified and impure. Don’t afraid with your past, if you turn your face on that side your past will be affectless. If your frontier shadow lie behind you then never comes in front of you. That is the effect of face to face with him. If you have already decided to recognize him then you don’t face any problems and any difficulties. When you sit straightly to realize god then your eyes remains still. Where and with whom eyes remains still you may ask. In fact they remain still in such place where they would be. You may say, do there eyes can see? No it is a matter far more than to see. I can’t make you understand in words. It could be understand only after doing. Now you can’t see anything or skeleton. But you can see the reality of material life. You can see the basis of life which is source of things and structure. You’re that life power from where structure is creating and destroying you can not see also.

Friday, December 5, 2008

aghor vani

1. Human being’s major weakness is fear.
2. Example is better than preaching.
3. Pray for others, not for you.
4. When man is not happy with man, then what about god?
5. Truth speaker always remains near the god.
6. False speaker always remains in fear.
7. Don’t make unhappy to others by words or deeds.
8. Unsuccessful creates angers.
9. Discrimination in caste is sorrowful for mass development. 10. Self belief is major cause of success.
11. He is not a man, who doesn’t have moral.
12. Don’t wish if you don’t have, utilize, what you have.
13. When your whole work is for others, then why there is question of re-birth.
14. He is the richest man, who has good thoughts.
15. He can not raise others if he is sinked himself.
16. Wrong path is leprosy disease of life.
17. Speak nicely, no expenses is there.
18. To do kindness others means deliverance to self.
19. Wisdom is greater than age.
20. Dedication without debate is true dedication.
21. The man without aim is like a corpse, a true aim shows the path itself.
22. Variance is illusion, Brahma is sameness.
23. The life’s problem is never solved by violence and war.
24. Frighten from crime will be fearless.
25. Love and faith is great power.
26. Drugs damages the life, it changes the way of life, to be saved and to save from it.
27. Don’t do mistake, to walk by up righting your head and smiling.
28. Don’t waste the time; if waste you are also wasted by time.
29. Don’t think about future nor remember the past, deals truly to the present.
30. If the man who is in front of you is fraud, are you nice than him?
31. Nature is he good teacher, accepts its fine indication.
32. Question to yourself, did you born for these deeds what you are doing?
33. Justice is kind,
Duty is worshipping,
Service is virtue.
34. If wealth power, manpower, wisdom is countless but without rectitude all things are useless.
35. Who shows the other’s faults, he is to hiding his own faults.
36. Don’t be something, be a human being. Don’t be nourishing of defect by being Brahman, chhetry, baisay or Sudra.
37. Who speaks true, he never does noise.
38. Practice of humble and propriety makes the man like the god.
39. Guru pith is power pith; the real guru is source of power.
40. They have been venerable, who put faith on religion and does work following by religion, but they are despicable who puts envy and hatred on religion.
41. The true is a hard practice.
42. If you give command to other, keep the capacity also to accept other’s command.
43. Every person can to be Hindu, Muslim, Isa or paresis. But his success is determined by that can he be a good human being or not?
44. Real meditation is of statue of guru, real seeing is of guru’s feet, real mantra is guru’s speech and real salvation is blessing of guru.
45. If have to change the any society, every man who live in that society have to change their behavior, thoughts and habits. It is not effective by changing rules only.
46. Wicked soul wishes but great soul premises.
47. The soul is like corpse who is enemy of religion, sinner’s soul is illness, the soul of selfish and greedy is lazy, but the soul is healthy who is ready on practice.
48. He is a real guru, to see whom the pure sentiment would be generates; the excellent thoughts would be rise in heart and would be gain the purity of soul by simplicity.
49. Mental reflection of man is the recognition of human being and demon, Practice to know it.
50. The pleasure of surrender is known by only dedicated.
51. If you want to make your child to good, you have to abandon your bad habits.
52. By accepted the human life, if you didn’t accept the human qualities, what did you do? Consider it.
53. If you have good thought, speak and deed, you will alive nicely.
54. Human being’s caste is only human, there is no other caste.
55. The desire of comfort is the cause of sorrow.
56. Who have no love for the living being; he hasn’t be love on the statue of temple or formless god of maszid.
57. To rise up, calumniator be proved helpful than flatterer.
58. The great practice of life’s is to obedience of virtue in own life.
59. The purity of soul is the main point of happiness and peace.
60. You are excited to search to which Brahma, but he is within you.
61. Your soul is guru, soul is desire fulfilling tree, what you have desire by sitting under this tree, sure to be fulfilled.
62. If you want to build up nice future, make the present. This present goes towards that future.
63. The stage of silence would be higher than true speech and would be pure and brahmaness.
64. Hey god! Give the pure wisdom to our helper.
65. Discipline and morality is identity of human being.
66. Vermilion is a powerful weapon of woman.
67. Which is everlasting, that is absolute.
68. Lazy housewife is cause of quarrel in family.
69. Self enlightened person is never been unsteady.
70. Man is wandering by scarcity of sense.

Friday, November 28, 2008


1.Today in our society some kind of imported religion and porter of imported thoughts are openly convincing us that to sacrifice our self soul or to surrender in front of them and instead it, they will fulfill a new soul on us. We are accepting their proposal with closed eye too and we are compete ting to knew down in front of them and have abandoned our self religion tradition and our self thoughts. What is the misfortune?
2. Any incarnation, any pasted person, any religious epic or any sastra, puran, bible uplift or give salvation us, it is only day-dream. Only we are the uplifter of ourselves. Our own deeds determine our access. Yes the present guru can guide us properly and we need his bless.
3. It is so distressing for nation that the youth force of nation is ahead to strike and other destructive deeds always. they must be know that their youth power would be spend on virtuous deeds which is supporting for good change of our society and nation’s economical, educational, traditional revolution. Why they don’t know that they are spending their important time and energy for such kind of useless misdeeds. 4. Today why the men are frightened from each other? Because, nowadays, nobody is faithful towards one’s own caste, towards human nature, human quality, not only towards humanity, he is not faithful also towards himself or his own soul.
5. We must be faithful towards the all relations which are connected with us, towards our own true nature, soul, towards our own human body where we placed. Towards the god from where we are operating. Towards the guru by whom we are guiding. Towards earth mother from where we are getting energy. Towards the nation in where we born, living and getting a native introduction and are getting many more services, facilities, authorities.
6. If our maximum time departed on to eating, drinking, wearing or only on worldly subject, what have been the difference between our human life and animal’s life?
7. by the unknown of fact meaning of formal relation and inter relation between each other, the relation itself is over crisis of disbelief. So to grown up belief over relation we must know its exact meaning.
8. Turbulence is emerged by fallen down from own duty. We sit for meditation to get the peace. If we don’t careless to fulfill our duty, responsibility, only after that we don’t miss by peace. If so meditation also gives us peace.
9. We have got such kind of a defect that is we have no time to know or see about ourselves. We have no time to right calculate or evaluate about our own duty-no duty, about our welfare- no welfare, about our prosperity-decline. We are busy only to know about next person and busy to open others looseness. It causes we are running away far from ourselves.
10. We are acting that, we use to go to meet saints, guru, great to learn something or to get knowledge. But our secrete purpose be either how to prove that we are a intellectual and complete by debating and make them stupid and their thoughts are foolness, or go there by bringing a mountain of decays or dirt. So the thoughts of saints can’t placement in our brain. It causes on both cases, we are compelled to back by getting dissatisfaction. But if we go to place of saints and greats with faith and sentiment, really to know, learn and gain something surely we will back by bringing more satisfaction, happiness and positive energy.